
Hello there! I’m Winter(they/them), and I hope you’re enjoying my webbed site.

I’m a person (as far as I can tell) and I seem to enjoy doing some things. These are include but are not limited to:

  • computer programming ✨
  • learning about woo stuff 🔮
  • touching moss 🍀
  • connecting with art 🎭

More Information

Both my undergraduate and graduate degrees are in the field of Computer Science. I have been a lifelong enthusiast of computers, and have a background originally in IT support. For my Masters thesis, I applied ransomware samples to VR headsets. I have spent some time in my education developing theory on reverse engineering. I am familiar with web development, via Python backends and JavaScript frontends. I have also interacted with various SQL-style databases, and some non-relational databases such as MongoDB and DynamoDB. I have spent many years using Unix and Unix-like systems, such as Linux and OSX. I regularly use BASH scripting to accommodate my goals at and away from work. I have spent some time doing embedded C work, predominantly for a IoT medical device at a YC startup, but now also as part of R&D at a climate control multinational. I also dabble in many other fields, but would not particularly consider myself well-versed in them, it’s mostly for fun. This includes psychology, biology, philosophy, and esoterica (the weird, the mystical, and the occult).


B.Sc, M.Sc - Computer Science (I like da blinkenlights)

Aside from the pieces of paper, I have spent most of my life Online, and am very well-versed in memes, internet subcultures, conspiracy theories, and all other elements of being exposed to the fount of human detritus.

Formative and Traumatic experiences

Yeah had a few of those, still working that out.

If you want to send me things

My deepest most unobvious fascination is little indie games on http://itch.io that talk about someone’s life experience. Stuff that’s deeply real and personal in a way no other production of game can be.

I also like learning about all forms of mysticism, as long as they don’t veer into what I would call “mystical escapist world building”. Spiritual bypassing is totally a thing.

I also like computer history! a lot! it’s an old romance for me.

Contact me

You can drop me an electronic message. This is also the subset of communication most likely to make it to me.

Email: winter@snowis.me