Internal Hope Of Platitudes

I’m at an IHOP. I am sipping a hot chocolate, which I almost never do. I think of cavities. I feel how hypersweet the syrupy mess is. I really savored eating the cool whip and chocolate syrup that was on top. I love it. I am helpless to nostalgia and chocolatey warmth. I’m realizing I don’t allow myself things without self-critique. I find it hard to connect with myself and others for similar reasons.

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Playing with DeskThing

SO! A few years ago, Spotify sold this cute little device called a Car Thing. Well! They’re gonna brick it in January. So now hacker community members have located an obfuscated but public repo that basically let them in on flash and rewriting the firmware on the device, thus avoiding having a nice doorstop.

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Life Updates

so my current job leaves me w/ a lot of extra room, here’s what I’ve been up to: still doing run club x2/week ~6-7 miles orchestrating friend hangouts, prioritizing friends I actually like to hang w/ filtering out ppl i don’t like being around(finally)

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Connecting Dots (being Online)

Everyone I know who was Online from a young age is some flavor of nonbinary, or broadly, trans. There is to me some sort of physical to mental disconnection from being so wholly exposed to what is mentally an entire plane of existence, where physical form is inert or even orthogonal to consideration.

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